What were your concrete goals for the week?
- To get assimp built and working and to merge the branch with the finished model loading code into the main branch
What goals were you able to accomplish?
- Little this week, I’m ashamed to say. I wrote a bunch of model loading code that reads from assimp’s structures but it still doesn’t work, and Wing has this already working.
If the week went differently than you had planned, what were the reasons?
- I thought that I had already built assimp into a static library correctly however it wasn’t built for mingw or something like that and it didn’t want to recognize that. Combine me getting stuck on that with me rushing to finish a project for another class plus me going on a trip over the weekend with friends (we had planned this months ago 😭) means that I wasn’t able to get much done this week. I’m really sorry to my teammates for not being able to pull my weight this week.
What are your specific goals for the next week?
- Instead of working on catching up, I think I’ll directly link with Wing, go over what she has accomplished with her and see if I can help get that merged into the main branch. Then I’ll reconnect with Tim, Shane and Adrian to see which part of the game engine or even the game that I can start helping working on.
What did you learn this week, if anything (and did you expect to learn it?)
- I learned what the assimp structure looks like and how to use it.
What is your individual morale (which might be different from the overall group morale)?
- This is definitely a low, but I’m hoping to bounce back this week. I’m not gonna just let my teammates do all the work, I want to be able to help.