- what were your concrete goals for the week? (Copied from last week)
- I will help with boss’s attack. It will require some changes in CollisionManager to make it easier to implement.
- what goals were you able to accomplish?
- I worked on boss’s attack. We decided on 4 kinds of attacks: laser, stomp, mark and drop boulder, and regular swipe. I was able to get laser working with collision, but I haven’t made it able to decrement the player’s health.
- if the week went differently than you had planned, what were the reasons? note that this happens regularly…I would prefer you to be aggressive in what you want to try accomplish rather than limit yourself to goals you know you’ll easily achieve. so answering this question is more of a reflection on the development process and the surprises you encounter, it’s not at all an evaluation.
- It turns out that health needs to be a networked component and I need specific functions on both client side and server side to handle serialization and deserialization. Both player attack and boss attack are also netObjects, I also need to write handlers for them.
- what are your specific goals for the next week?
- I will make the MVP of the gameplay working (player attack, enemy attack, player dies, enemy dies, etc.) even if it’s just printing out on the screen without models.
- what did you learn this week, if anything (and did you expect to learn it?)
- I learned about serialization/deserialization of networking. I guess my lack of knowledge in network is the main thing hindering my progress.
- what is your individual morale (which might be different from the overall group morale)?
- Moderate. I planned on getting basic gameplay ready this week but I underestimated the amount of work it needs. As the project gets bigger the debugging process keeps getting longer and harder. Nothing was too difficult, but it requires a lot of work.