1. what were your concrete goals for the week?

My goal was to merge, verify functionality, then push packet changes to the dev branch. If I have time, I might look more into player interactions if the others need help.

  1. what goals were you able to accomplish?

I created a tests folder and tests to verify Packet functionality, in the common / normal cases and some edge cases with attempting invalid reads from the Packet buffer. I also added comments to make my code (hopefully) well-documented and intuitive to use. I then merged my code with the dev branch, opened a PR, and went through two rounds of reviews. I also made progress on concept art and character designs for the project with Ryan!

https://www.notion.so/Concept-Art-Workshop-c6b3b9d074314d5882dc363473d4204e?pvs=4 (we have pictures of our quirky doodles at this link)

  1. if the week went differently than you had planned, what were the reasons?

I got stuck with merging waiting for approved reviews. Either today or tomorrow morning, it should be merged, though, so it’s not really a road blocker.

I didn’t expect to be doing any art, but I’m in the Animation Club and ended up at their concept art workshop. So, since I was there anyways, I figured I might as well help our progress on the game aesthetics :)

I also didn’t expect to be doing reviews myself, but it was fun! I needed (and still do a little) to read through the code to figure out what has been changed since I last saw.

  1. what are your specific goals for the next week?

With that in mind, I want to use this week to sync up with my team to be up to date on the code. Shane and I have also discussed each taking approximately half of the “load” for integrating packet to actually get used - we each take server or client.

Maybe not necessarily for next week, but just a thought: If I have time, maybe I’ll get some more concept art and character design in, since Ryan is working mostly on tutorials and Blender. Since the team is still working on general model loading, my assessment is this is necessary but not urgent yet, so I’ve put it at lower priority until further discussion. (I also prefer working on the technical side, so this isn’t my main focus unless it becomes a bottleneck for team progress)

  1. what did you learn this week, if anything (and did you expect to learn it?)

I learned even further about C++ types (evidently u_int8_t and uint8_t are not technically the same) and other quirks of using fixed width numbers. I didn’t expect to learn about concept art, but it made me start thinking a lot more on the creative side in terms of backstories, character profiles, and context for our game!

  1. what is your individual morale (which might be different from the overall group morale)?

Excited! I definitely hope to find more areas of the code to work on and want to understand the overall picture better though

Screenshot 2024-04-30 at 10.40.29 AM.png

ta da! :)