1. what were your concrete goals for the week?

My goal was to integrate Packet to be used by the Client and Server.

  1. what goals were you able to accomplish?

I implemented functionality for the Client’s GameManager to send packets with player input data to the Server and receive player position from the Server using the merged Packet class. Likewise, I updated functionality for the Server to receive input data and send position data to the Client with Packet. Additionally, I added support for quaternions to be written/read with the Packet.

I also caught up with what the other members are doing so I feel more in sync on our group’s progress now!

  1. if the week went differently than you had planned, what were the reasons?

Since a few members of our team are making changes to similar groups of files, we have to wait and determine merge orders. So, for me, I need to wait for someone else who is changing the same area of code, then make sure the merge still works with both of our changes.

  1. what are your specific goals for the next week?

I want to merge these changes. Additionally, another member wants a packet type for sending/receiving calculated Player speed, so I’ll add that in too. I want to look into support for receiving multiple Packets/a lot of data at once, and make sure this functionality works as expected (currently, we assume one Packet max.)

  1. what did you learn this week, if anything (and did you expect to learn it?)

Not as much technically, but I learned a lot more about how everything fits together!

  1. what is your individual morale (which might be different from the overall group morale)?

I’m happy with my progress so far, and I definitely want to contribute more to game engine/logic

Sorry I was late! My friends and I were out until 3am on a spontaneous star picture outing at Cleveland National Forest last night/this morning (?)



Tansen Notes