My goal was to integrate Packet to be used by the Client and Server.
I implemented functionality for the Client’s GameManager to send packets with player input data to the Server and receive player position from the Server using the merged Packet class. Likewise, I updated functionality for the Server to receive input data and send position data to the Client with Packet. Additionally, I added support for quaternions to be written/read with the Packet.
I also caught up with what the other members are doing so I feel more in sync on our group’s progress now!
Since a few members of our team are making changes to similar groups of files, we have to wait and determine merge orders. So, for me, I need to wait for someone else who is changing the same area of code, then make sure the merge still works with both of our changes.
I want to merge these changes. Additionally, another member wants a packet type for sending/receiving calculated Player speed, so I’ll add that in too. I want to look into support for receiving multiple Packets/a lot of data at once, and make sure this functionality works as expected (currently, we assume one Packet max.)
Not as much technically, but I learned a lot more about how everything fits together!
I’m happy with my progress so far, and I definitely want to contribute more to game engine/logic
Sorry I was late! My friends and I were out until 3am on a spontaneous star picture outing at Cleveland National Forest last night/this morning (?)
Tansen Notes