1. what were your concrete goals for the week?

I pivoted goals to work towards loading the bear model for the enemy NPC.

  1. what goals were you able to accomplish?

I have the bear model .obj file and am working to load it with assimp. I ran into some issues while trying to get the static libraries downloaded, so I’m trying to fix those issues so I can test whether or not my loading method works.

  1. if the week went differently than you had planned, what were the reasons?

There was a lot more overhead to understanding what’s going on than I expected. Since I worked more on networking, picking up the graphics this week was challenging. (also ngl we have an ungodly amount of files in several branches of directory trees)

For me, this week was mostly reading existing code, googling library download/setup, and texting/talking to teammates rather than “actual” progress with respect to code functionality.

On the brighter side, Ryan and I storyboarded a kinda cool backstory → possible tutorial → fight scene storyline!

  1. what are your specific goals for the next week?

I hope to finish this and go back to handling multiple or incomplete packets sent!

  1. what did you learn this week, if anything (and did you expect to learn it?)

I learned more about how the players are created and what functionality is in which files. I also learned that there is a lot more for me to learn about all the newest changes xD

  1. what is your individual morale (which might be different from the overall group morale)?

Honestly, I wish I had a little more finished this week. Especially with such little time until the showcase, I want to contribute more to the project. I’ve already planned more time in the lab to work on the project this week, but I still wish I had more to show for this past week (sorry team! :’))