I was working towards loading the bear model for the enemy NPC, then worked towards getting the enemy MVP behavior.
I am working on using the enemy object loaded on the server side and attacking at regular intervals, but testing has been roadblocked because the client executable is killed immediately. I talked with the other teammates, but there’s only one other person who has been testing on a Mac, and I haven’t heard back about what could be going wrong.
I discussed with other team members about the next step NPC behavior features (ex. attack based on player DPS or proximity, so players have to move and dodge, and attacking in a sweeping motion instead of a “block”), so I have an idea of how to set up the enemy attack manager and what more sophisticated mechanisms to work towards. I also want to figure out nicer graphics features, like rotating the model to face the direction of attack. (currently only position is changing)
I fixed the library issues and CMake setup problems that I had been having, which took a few days out of my week. We decided to convert the bear model into the file format the others were using, instead of using assimp to load the .obj file. There are some texture loading issues, but Ryan and Wing are working together to fix that.
Be able to run server and client, test new NPC behavior, and merge to dev branch!
I learned a lot about what everyone is working on when I was checking in with people to make sure I’m not overlapping work with them xD
My morale is ok. I have a clearer vision of what I’m doing and what needs to be done next, so that’s good.