1. what were your concrete goals for the week?

“Be able to run server and client, test new NPC behavior, and merge to dev branch!”

  1. what goals were you able to accomplish?

I worked out the series of issues with building the project (tysm Josh) and figured out how to set the rpath in the CMake file. I am able to run the project and test my changes now! Adrian and I discussed a restructuring of the boss behavior code to work in synergy with the PlayerAttack and AttackManager classes that are a little further in development.

I have written code for the basic swipe attack for the MVP and am working to load the boss model to check if health decrements are working as expected.

  1. if the week went differently than you had planned, what were the reasons?

I didn’t expect to be working as much on setting up classes and fixing build issues as I did, but that’s mostly finished now, which puts me in a good spot to be productive in the next stretch leading up to demo day!

  1. what are your specific goals for the next week?

Test the swipe attack, merge with dev branch and create a PR, finish the MVP by implementing the win (boss health = 0) and loss (all players’ health = 0) conditions!

  1. what did you learn this week, if anything (and did you expect to learn it?)

There was a lot of thinking about how to design the attacking infrastructure and different types of boss attacks. I reviewed/learned more about OOP in C++ than I expected to this week.

  1. what is your individual morale (which might be different from the overall group morale)?

I feel like I was able to get a fair amount done this week, especially considering that I wasn’t able to work on the project Friday-Sunday (I had prior plans for graduation photos, the Warren Disneyland trip, a concert, cover dance filming, and packing to move out this past weekend). I’m really excited to push forward and get the MVP done, hopefully before I leave the lab around Tuesday afternoon!!