What were your concrete goals for the week?
- Finish refactoring the game engine to game objects
- Get a basic MVP complete
- Boss
- Cameras
- Collisions
- Ability system implemented
- Base things in GameObject/Component system
- Base things in Packets
What goals were you able to accomplish?
- Refactoring complete, awaiting a merge request
- Everyone else is currently in the processes of getting the MVP complete, so it might not get done on time
If the week went differently than you had planned, what were the reasons?
- I anticipated how much work finishing up the refactor would be, but there was lots and lots of things we had to reconsider and that ended up taking up even more time
What are your specific goals for the next week?
- Refactor to catch up with the current dev branch :(
- Finish up MVP
- Boss
- Cameras
- Collisions
- Ability system implemented
What did you learn this week, if anything (and did you expect to learn it?)
- I learned a great deal about our protocols. I had feared that I would actually have to understand our protocols, but the only thing to fear is fear itself.
What is your individual morale (which might be different from the overall group morale)?
- I have suffered a great deal. Alas, I must continue refactoring.