- what were your concrete goals for the week?
- Integrated HUDs with the dev and sync the crosshair with music
- what goals were you able to accomplish?
- Finished HUDs
- Applied lighting for model & animation
- if the week went differently than you had planned, what were the reasons? note that this happens regularly…I would prefer you to be aggressive in what you want to try to accomplish rather than limit yourself to goals you know you’ll easily achieve. so answering this question is more of a reflection on the development process and the surprises you encounter, it’s not at all an evaluation.
- I was busy with the graduation prep last week.
- what are your specific goals for the next week?
- Integrate HUDs with dev
- Visualize attacks with particle system.
- Create animations for the boss bear.
- what did you learn this week, if anything (and did you expect to learn it?)
- I learned that you can directly draw something on screen by not passing the camera project and view matrices. It’s so simple and straightforward. I don’t know why I was struggling with that so much lol. Also, I still don't understand why flipping the y-axis of the texture will mess up the texture of the animated character even though I’m only flipping it for 2D quad. I ended up needed to manually flip the y-axis on the shader. learned something called texture atlas. It can be used for drawing texts or making special effects.
- what is your individual morale (which might be different from the
overall group morale)?
It’s going well like everything’s getting back on track.